The mid-high STATE basketball tournament is for school based teams only. There is no club division. Our goal is to support the High School and their junior programs. To be eligible, teams must participate in our qualifying tournaments. Please see accompany rules.
All teams must also meet the Eligibility Rules below and provide required player documentation before submission deadline.
All teams must submit player eligibility information via our verification process
Same school. A team's players must reside within the same public high school boundary. Documentation must be submitted (progress report, student id, etc) for verification. Exceptions to the same school requirement may be granted by the State Eligibility Board. Teams must submit a request to the State Board with pertinent details and receive approval for the exception before that player is eligible to compete at State.
Multi-team play. Players are restricted to one team.
Documentation for Eligibility. After registering, an automated email will be generated and sent to the team's contact. The email will include specific instructions for submitting each players' eligibility documentation. Documentation of Eligibility for each player must be submitted no later than February 21, 2025 (Girls) and February 28th, 2025 (Boys).
Approval. All teams can view approval status through our LeagueApps online system.
*For out of district: Teams are allowed 1 player out of district as long as they are carrying a minimum 10-player roster. State Board has the right to deny any out of district exemption request. Out of district exemptions are intended for players in outlying areas where they are unable to play with kids from their own school so they must merge with a larger school. They are not intended to stack a roster with a player from another large school. Players residing within a large-school boundary will not be granted an out-of-district exemption. If a team forms in an outlying area; players from that area will not be granted an out-of-district exemption to play on a large-school team. Out of district exemptions are rare and should not be considered the norm. Each exemption will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
**Private school requirements: As a general rule, private school kids must represent their local private school. They must request out-of-district exemption to play for a public-school feeder. Schools wishing to represent a private school must meet 2 criteria. 1) All players must be registered in a private school. 2) The school they are registered in must be within 30 miles of the high school they are wishing to represent.
***At the discretion of the STATE Board, certain exceptions to the rules may be made.